Samsung Galaxy A5, A7 2017 price cut make them quite a steal deal under Rs 30,000 amsung has slashed the prices of its 2017 A-series line-up in India by up to a massive Rs 5,000 ahead of the start of the festive season. While the Galaxy A5 was launched at Rs 28,990, the Galaxy A7 2017 was available for Rs 33,490 on launch. Well until recently, these phones were retailing at an MOP of Rs 26,900 and Rs 30,900 respectively. After the newly announced price cut, the Galaxy A5 will sell for an MOP of Rs 22,900 while the Galaxy A7 2017 will sell for an MOP of Rs 25,900. FYI: MOP and MRP are different terms. While MOP stands for market operating price: the price at which the product was made available to a retailer by the manufacturer and therefore the lowest price at which the retailer can sell the product; MRP stands for maximum retail price and is therefore the maximum price at which the retailer can charge for a product inclusive of all taxes. Wh...
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Mukesh Ambani Is Planning A New Reliance Project In West Bengal Reportedly the project's investment might touch a whopping Rs 20,000 crore in the state. Mukesh Ambani, the richest man in India, never fails to innovate and surprise the mass. Ambani’s Reliance Jio has not only conquered the telecom market of the country with its unimaginable offers on voice calls and Internet data and recently released 4G feature phone JioPhone , but has also disrupted the sector. Presently Mukesh Ambani is definitely a major topic of discussion all over the country. And now, Mukesh Ambani-controlled Reliance is planning to introduce a new project West Bengal, India. As per the reports, the company expects that its investment in existing projects in telecom and retail in the state may touch even a whopping Rs 20,000 crore in the near future. “We have invested Rs 15,000 crore in our current projects in Jio (telecom), retail in West Bengal and are continuing to inv...
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Airtel and Vodafone Says Reliance Jio’s Test Users Should Not Be Allowed to Enjoy Commercial Services. India’s leading telecom operators, Bharti Airtel and Vodafone India at an open house discussion yesterday urged that Reliance Jio should not offer commercial telecom services to the users who joined the network in the testing phase. Airtel and Vodafone raised a voice saying that the test users should not be allowed to use commercial services, and they should be made ineligible for the MNP services as well. However, a Jio responded saying the moves such as will “disrupt a seamless move from trials to commercial operations.” Ravi Gandhi, Bharti Airtel’s chief regulatory officer at the same meeting said that test users should not be allowed to migrate to commercial services. “There should not be subscriber acquisition in the name of testing, and there should be a time-limit for a network trial service,” Gandhi said. However, a Jio exec...
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Google Search Lite App Being Tested for Regions With Spotty Internet Connections HIGHLIGHTS The Search Lite app is being tested in Indonesia for now The app uses less data than regular Google Search It is meant for slow network regions like India In a bid to get the 'next billion' on to the Internet, tech giants are trying various methods to lure the audience that still do not have access to proper Internet connections and gadgets like smartphones. One such effort is now seen by Google with the new Search Lite app that is reportedly being tested in Indonesia. Android Police reports that the app appeared in Facebook ads for many users in Indonesia, and users who clicked on it were invited to download the app and try it. The Search Lite app is essentially a data-conscious app that lets you do most of the regular Search functions, but by using less data and even supporting few offline features. The app is specifically designed for regio...
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Now Available in Open Sale in India via Flipkart, Xiaomi's Redmi Note 4 is now available online in India in open sale - meaning there will no longer be any flash sale dates or queuing up, instead consumers can head to Flipkart and and buy the smartphone at any time, as long as stocks are available. The smartphone ever since its launch in January has been available on select dates with limited stocks. The open sale announcement for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 comes merely few days after the company announced that it managed to sell 5 million units of the handset in the country. The company claimed that it sold 5 million units of its Redmi Note 4 within six months of launch between a period of January 23 to July 23 this year. As we mentioned, the smartphone will now be available in open sale via Flipkart and Your love has broken all the barriers! #RedmiNote4 now on open sale on and Flipkart," wrote M...
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Jio Phone Bookings: Registration & Delivery Dates, Documents Required,Price, and More HIGHLIGHTS Jio Phone bookings online and offline start on August 24 JioPhone delivery to start in September The phone can be prebooked via MyJio app and offline Jio stores Jio Phone beta testing finally started on August 15, but the official date to pre-order the 4G feature phone is still a few days away. However, certain offline retailers have started taking Jio Phone bookings ahead of schedule, detailing the booking process, document required, and tentative delivery dates. The handset itself will hit the market for the public in September, with the company aiming to deliver 5 million units every week to consumers across the country. For those unaware, Jio Phone bookings can be made online and offline from the MyJio app and authorised offline retailers, respectively. Here's everything you need to about the registration process. Jio Phone booking ...
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Nokia 8 vs OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S8: Price, Specifications, Features Compared HIGHLIGHTS The Nokia 8 is priced at EUR 599 The big highlight is its vertical dual camera setup and 'bothies' feature The smartphone is set to arrive in India in early October After many leaks, HMD Global finally unveiled the Nokia 8 smartphone on Wednesday, and has scheduled to make it available in early September 'globally'. An HMD Global representative told Gadgets 360 that the smartphone is set to come to India in early October, and the price of the device for this region will be unveiled closer to launch date. The big highlight of the smartphone is its 'bothies' feature that allows you to use and even live stream from the front and rear cameras simultaneously. The Nokia 8, positioned as a flagship device, is set to compete with a lot of Android smartphones out there. We've chosen popular ones powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 or a comp...